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Creative Industries and Collaboration: Mylene Rizzo, B- Corp Animaná and NGO Made By Us

Industrias Creativas y Colaboración: Mylene Rizzo, B- Corp Animaná y ONG Hecho Por Nosotros
The greatest challenge of our times is finding a purpose for our existence. A job, any job is not enough, as it must have meaning...ideally. I...

Camelid fibers: stories, identity and legacy

Fibras Naturales
Since we were little, we are fascinated by hearing captivating stories that transmit emotions to us or help us imagine a better reality. As we grow...

What do we talk about when we talk about sustainability?

Sustainability , that word that not long ago began to appear and suddenly we see it in many places, although still in fewer than would be good. ...

The importance of artisans to achieve Sustainable Fashion

La importancia de los artesanos para lograr una Moda Sustentable
Looking back in history, we see that originally fashion expressed the character and culture of a world, using manual techniques and natural fibers...

What makes animaná sustainable?

¿Qué es  lo que hace que animaná sea sustentable?
animaná : a company based on a Holistic Model. Fashion is an industry that brings us all together, gives us identity, generates behaviors, and ...

Natural Fibers for Local Development and the Global Ecosystem

Fibras Naturales para el Desarrollo Local y el Ecosistema Mundial

We seek that the increase in the production of natural fibers and products derived from South American camelids is achieved through a solidarity economy with fair trade practices, the preservation of the animal, and the improvement in the quality of life of small producers with the possibility of creating a commodity market from natural camelid fibers.

Forming ties beyond trade

Formando lazos más allá del comercio

Marcelo Ballesteros has been working with animaná for more than 2 years; It is the bond that unites our company with the artisans who live in the most remote areas of the Andean region. He came to animaná through a colleague of our founder, Adriana Marina. Marcelo's work contributes to Andean artisans by creating ties and connections between communities and building close and strong relationships.

#GlobalGoals for a Sustainable Textile Industry

#ObjetivosGlobales para una Industria Textil Sustentable

We seek to extend our reach in the world of sustainable fashion through research and awareness. On this occasion, we organized a talk at the United Nations headquarters in New York where we invited specialists in ethical fashion to talk about sustainable development and its enormous potential to eradicate poverty.



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